Starting a Game There are two ways to start a game: New Game The standard way to start a game; very simple, very easy. Choose New Game… from the Game menu. You will be presented with a dialog box allowing you to enter player names and select all the game options (see "Game Options" chapter for details). Then just click the New Game button and start playing. A message telling you who is moving first will be displayed. Click on the “Let's Go” button to start the game. Replay Same Game Choose Replay Same Game from the Game menu. This allows you to play another game using the exact same settings from the previous game. The game board will have the exact same configuration, all numbers will be in the same location. The only game parameter you can change is the computer skill level, from the Game menu. Use this feature to let you try a different strategy using the same setup or let a friend play the same game and compare scores. The only difference will be the value of the Mystery Box tiles if any are used. These values are random and determined when the tile is selected.